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3 wise...

 -|:Youtube :|: Facebook :|: Twitter :|: PrettyDNA :|: Vlog :|: FourSquare :|-

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to share something non-beauty related with you guys today.

I received a package in the mail from one of my viewers (her name is Joanne :), and I thought it was really cute!

It's the Three Wise Penguins!! See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil!! (I know..the order is kind of messed up in my picture).
It's originally three wise apes, but I love how Joanne gave a twist to it :)

Aren't they so cute? I was really impressed and awed at the talent Joanne has! Thank you so much!
I was searching the web for a good monkey version, and ran into so many versions of this saying!
(All of the below images are from various websites via Google image search)

pin-up unni's..

finger drawing ^^

kitty cats



even stormtroopers..

check out Joanne's esty store :) I'm all in for supporting my viewers and I hope you guys could check out her store too ^__^ She's very crafty and talented!

I'm sorry my posts aren't as frequent as I want them to be, but I will be back soon with another post!

Thanks for the support guys! You all are awesome!


 -|:Youtube :|: Facebook :|: Twitter :|: PrettyDNA :|: Vlog :|: FourSquare :|-
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