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Frosty Pink Makeup Look

 -|:Youtube :|: Facebook :|: Twitter :|: PrettyDNA :|: Vlog :|: FourSquare :|-

I was looking at my makeup collection, wondering if I should sell some stuff I don't really use, and noticed that I really like pinks/purples and have accumulated quite a lot of makeup based on those colors.  However, I'm always a bit hesitant of using pink on the eyes because of the strong misconception that pink eyesahdows will always make one's eyes look irritated and puffy.
I personally love pink/red/rust colors on the eyes, but I too am a product of my reality and fear using those colors on the eyes in real life.
red eyeshadow... no?

So anyway, while I was thinking of experiencing around with my pinks, I figured that frost/metallic and blue based pinks wouldn't look so bad on the lid.  And while I was at it - I was like "oh, what the heck", might as well film! :)

Hope you guys enjoy the video and the new month!! :D

Also, you can check out my post of the skin food shadow box here


 -|:Youtube :|: Facebook :|: Twitter :|: PrettyDNA :|: Vlog :|: FourSquare :|-

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  1. I love your videos! I learn so much from you, you explain eye makeup technique better than anyone!

    1. oye, haha thank you :D makes all the editing pain so worth it! <3

  2. I really liked your video! :D Although I would have liked more color on your lid! ^_^ I use a copper-red most days for my crease but one really should be careful with everything that has red in it! I used to exaggerate when I was like 14 and my mother thought I had an eye infection =.="

  3. I really like it this video tutorial!
    Really cute!

  4. love, love, love your pic here!!! ^__^

  5. I was wondering what are the types of brushes you use in your frosty pink look video??

  6. I was wondering what are the types of brushes you use in you frosty pink video??

  7. Hi! Like your contacs here! What kind do you use?

  8. I love your vids!!!! And you look so adorable...all the time ^_^

  9. Do you have a daytime face lotion that has sunscreen and isn't greasy? Maybe oil free? I have combo skin and the only light enough face lotion is the tea tree oil from the Body Shop, but I too sit in traffic for at least an hour to hour and half everyday and I'm noticing a lot more freckles!

  10. Hi! I dont know why you dont "accept" my comment. But can you tell where did you buy these lenses? Love them!


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