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February Favorites! :)

 -|:Youtube :|: Facebook :|: Twitter :|: PrettyDNA :|: Vlog :|: FourSquare :|-

Hi Everyone,
Time flies! I'm late on my favorites again, but nonetheless here it is! :)

Most of my Feb favs were more of my oldies. I haven't had access to my makeup for the longest time and I think I'm going through a phase of re-connecting with the ones that I had totally forgotten about.

Many of the products were reviewed on this blog before. For convenience I've scraped up some of the pictures related to some products introduced.

You can read about Butter London's Queen Vic here

Missha eyeliner
You can read about the eyeliner here

Here are some swatches of the products mentioned in the video :)

As you can see, the brow box shades (on the lower right side of each picture) aren't as dark as they appear in the box.

Here are the blushes on their own.
Tipsy is a crazy neon coral color, so one should be careful to subtly build it up when applying it. Out of the three, I am more inclined towards adored and peach perfection (first impression-wise).

Here's how they look in their cases. You can read more about the blushes here

And here's the dress I was wearing ^_^
It is from - the trendsetting Bling dress. Super stretchy and comfy (easily fits up to US size 6 or skinny 8) with accent pockets on the side to add some functionality. Love the dress! You can buy it here


 -|:Youtube :|: Facebook :|: Twitter :|: PrettyDNA :|: Vlog :|: FourSquare :|-

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  1. i love the dress so much! do u ship to Malaysia?

  2. (>'^'<) The blush colors are so cute!

  3. @queenpinkfish : we ship worldwide! :) so yes, we do ship to Malaysia !

    @hanako: I know right? I can't wait to use them in a tut!

    @Elle: :D


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