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Revamping and Wish List + Like List

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I've been flirting with the idea of revamping my blog for a couple of days. It's coming along a bit slow, but you guys will get to see my blog with a facelift soon ^__^*. I usually get tired of things quite easily and I've felt a bit bored with my current blog theme lately. Hopefully I'll get my amateur programming skills together to present a better looking blog in a couple of days (stay tuned!)

On the side note, I guess the magical spring breeze makes me excited and to have a yearn for all things new.
Here's my current wish list. Anything I should add or not consider? :)

I've been drooling over this camera even before it launched. It's so smexy!!! I pre-ordered it and then had to cancel it after re-thinking the 1000+ price for a small 4/3 compact camera (although, no doubt about the quality of its functionality! It's worth every penny). I was never keen about Olympus Pen cameras, but I have a soft spot for panasonic in my heart. I've experienced a bridge panasonic and a point and shoot and I love how panasonic produces its images. If you are looking for a camera that takes great portrait pictures, panasonic should be one of the brands you consider. I do use canon as my main camera brand, but it's more out of practicality. My lenses are all canon and once you start investing in lenses it's hard to jump the boat (since lenses are hardcore investments and fangirl philosophies/pride starts taking over your rational thinking). But, I've started thinking about this camera once again... ahhh... it'd be so awesome to have this in my camera collection ♥.

Believe it or not, I've yet to try anything from Illamasqua. I don't know why, but I'm always a bit hesitant to try their products when I'm at Sephora. I was reading nail blogs, and I just can't help but want to try out every color in Illamasqua's collection.
Here are some colors I would love to try.





*All images taken from Illamasqua's site

Colors are so pretty and the reviews are great.. but the price tag is too much for me to splurge on :'( .. I wonder why nail polishes are getting more and more expensive nowadays. But I guess that's why wish lists exist!
These are definitely on my wish list! :)

MAC Perennial Pinks (both sheen supreme lipsticks)

The pink one is called behave yourself and the coral one is blossom culture.
With my great experience with MAC's (discontinued) slime shine lipsticks, I'm more than looking forward to this sheen supremes.
I'm only hesitant because of my abundance of lipsticks (I'm sure there are dupe colors or overlapping colors) and not being able to test it out. I don't have a MAC store near by, so I'll have to wait til I get to physically test out the lipsticks at the store.

Other than these, I also want to test out is MAC's Impassioned.

I'm sure it will fit me since my skin is on the fair side and super bright colors like this tends to flatter me, but still!! I have to go to the store and swatch it before I make a purchase. Also, the thought that lingers in my head is "Don't you already have too much lipstick...??? You need ANOTHER brink pink lipstick?"
I dunno, I have to see this in person, so for now.. it will sit in my wish list :)

I'm also looking or a GOOD bronzer. Currently I use either Bobbi Brown's bronzer duo or MAC's tenderling, but do you guys have good bronzer recommendations for my skin tone (MAC NC20 or usually the second lightest shades in most brands' foundations)?

Let me know!


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  1. ooooh that illamasqua nail polishes look amazing *_*

  2. ikr?!!! I'm so conflicted.. too much nail polishes already + the high price makes me say no... but... but!!!!!!!!! I want!!! :'(

  3. I LOVE micro 4/3 cameras! One of the beauties of m4/3 cameras is the ability to use a wide variety of adapters to use many bands of lenses on them. Canon to m4/3 adapters can be for under $15. With an adapter the lenses will be fully manual, but I personally like using my automatic lenses in manual mode anyways. You can also mount cheap vintage lenses that have large apertures like c mounts which don't work on dslrs onto m4/3 bodies. Hope this convinces you to take the plunge and get the gx1! and have you looked into the OM-D that seems like an awesome m4/3 camera too X)

    1. Haha, you should be in the sales force! I am surely persuaded :p now off I go to stare at 4/3s again >_<)

  4. Omg the Lament nail polish from illamasqua is just the perfect pink color I want! :o too bad I can't get illamasqua products here, or even afford them :(

    1. I think that's why it looks prettier.. :'( sssiiighhh

  5. I just got the Lumix GF2 and I love it. Easier than lugging around my Canon T2i all the time

    1. What lens did you get? I heard that the 14mm pancake lens is heavenly.. Oooohhh >.< I really want to buy a panny now

  6. When you get the camera, hope you take lots of pictures :)

    Love love love the nail colors. Just my type.. pastel :D

    1. I will :D
      and aren't the nail colors lovely~ boys will never understand the subtle difference of every nail color. I love being a girl and having the ability to cherish beautiful colors :p

    2. My bf always says I have too many pink nail colours - they are all different obviously! :p And He shocked me once I wore dark brown for chilly wintertime(Dark navy, dark red, dark brown are really pretty in winter I think!) and he said 'it is black'.....

  7. Oh I have a soft spot for panasonic too (my cousin works for them hehe). I really wanted to buy one of those, but buying a dslr nikon was cheaper ;P maybe if I somehow get money I will buy panasonic too ;D

    1. aww I think next time you can ask for employee discount from your cousins ;) abuse them!! haha, panasonic is too undervalued for sure!

    2. he he I should try next time I see them in Osaka ;)I actually don't go into camera areas of stores otherwise I swoon over this camera lol

  8. yesss ~ those pastel colours are really adorable :33
    ♥ ♥

    1. IKR? if only they were a tad bit cheaper *sigh*

  9. Try Chanel's soleil tan de chanel! It's an amazing bronzer, and looks absolutely flattering and gorgeous even on girls with fair skin :)
    I have a question about the NARS Sheer Glow foundation...I know you use Light 2 "Mont Blanc". We have very similar skin tones (usually the second lightest in foundation shades aka we both use Revlon Colorstay "Buff" I believe), and I saw some swatches online of the shades but Mont Blance seems to have a very pink undertone? Does it? And have you tried the next shade up--Light 3 "Gobi". That one seems like a good shade and it looks like it has more yellow/neutral undertones. I'm just not sure if the pink undertone would suit us fair asian skin girls :)
    BTW love that Illamasqua shade in "Nudge"!!

    1. Lucy,

      I've swatched Nars in light 1, 2 and 3 and 3 had wayyy more pink than 2. I bought mont blanc because it had yellow undertones opposed to Gobi. When spread out I feel like Gobi looks a bit lighter than Mont Blanc, but I could be wrong on that note so take my words with a grain of salt!! :)
      Personally, I have a lot of redness so yellow evens out the redness on my face. Pink just makes me look like I came back from a cold region :p

      Hope my input helps!


  10. Yeah, when you jump into a certain camera brand and you kinda get stuck to it. Been a Nikon fan and will forever be. Tried Canon, felt like it was too difficult for me. My friends tried also, Canon to Nikon. They felt the same way. LOL. Also, I collect lenses - same reason as you, lol. I heard a lot great reviews on the Lumix GX1. I've tested GX1 and liked it. Hope you get it! =D


  11. Should check out the panasonic gf3 or olympus omd-5... Something... The name is just too long for me to remember but it seems like an awesome camera thats just been launched about a week ago

  12. wow! i am planning to get the mac lipstick in impassioned too!!! : D it just looks sooooo pretty :D

  13. If you finally buy the GX1 I'll be jealous :) I've been drooling over this camera for months! I want to get it with the M Zuiko 45 mm 1.8 lens but it's quite expensive... so I think I'll just wait haha.

  14. For bronzer try the bourjois one.... It's pretty good.


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