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A gift from Maggie :)

A while ago Maggie asked my address so she could send me some stuff that she didn't like :)
And it came today *squeal*
So here's the box it came in :D

And inside..
I'm confused @_@ Maggie, what are these yellow balls? are they just fillers? :p
She sent me three items - An eyeliner, a blush and an eyeshadow palette

Ahh, they are curlers :) thanks everybody! read here to check out how the curls come out

So here's the blush.
It's a Lancome Blush Subtil Shimmer in Shimmer Mocha Havana
It looks really brownish, but if you swatch it's not as noticeable.
Like it's name it's really really subtle :)

This is the Givenchy liner - Givenchy Magic Khol in 1 Black
Maggie complained that it smudges so I tried to smudge it after I swatched it.
It doesn't seem so bad, but I'll have to try it out

And last but not least, the eyeshadow quad from integrate.
It's the integrate accent eyes palette in BL740 - consisting of beige, black (shimmers), lime and baby blue.
They all look nice :D I'm excited about them >.<)

And here are the swatches.
All swatched once (except the blush, I swatched it 2 layers), and the liner was rubbed to see how it smudges

Thanks so much Maggie ^__^*
I should go get my thank you package ready +_+

hehe, I'll let you guys know about these products after I try them out a couple of times :)

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  1. the yellow things are hair rollers/curlers whatever you call them! : )

  2. Yeah! The yellow balls are to curl your hair :P

  3. =) Both gals are right..the yellow balls are parted in the center to roll your hair around in for soft curls that doesn't include heat styling, Cat. I know girls who sleep with those on XD.

  4. The balls are used to curl your hair, and you can even sleep in with them because they are so soft! I have those in yellow too!

  5. Ooh, I actually want that kind of yellow balls since I don't know how to use normal curlers.

  6. LOL haha yeah the yellow balls are curlers :P i saw them a lot in hk and taiwan when i went on holidays. it's so you don't have to use heat.

  7. hey, Catalina, the yellow balls are hair curlers and you dont need to heat your hair before curling. They're for you to curl your hair and sleep on with them so the nice day, you'll have beautiful curls~i found you a video on youtube. it's a TV show from Taiwan teaching ppl how these yeloow balls work.

    i couldnt find any video with a english translation, hope you still understand how these cute yellow things work.

  8. wow guys haha, I thought they were fillers >.<) thanks for letting me know, I love you all>_<)

    Imma going to watch the video, try them out, and then will try to post a video or at least write about it +_+

  9. oops i should have replied earlier haha
    hope you'l like them lol! (:

  10. I always wanted to try out those yellow balls!

    are they effective?

  11. Hahaha those yellow balls are hair curlers!! :) I heard they make your hair have natural wavy, soft curls. And I like that integrate palette.. looks pretty :)

  12. yellow things are hair roller? haha*
    I thought they were fillers too!!

  13. Thank you for follow my blog :)
    Cool make up !
    Poor Urban Decay Primer Lotion XD
    Happy New Year !!

  14. woah! i didn't know the yellow things were hair rollers/ curlers either. thought they were just random yellow balls to fill the big box in. HAHA!

  15. LOL I actually saw those yellow hair curlers on Gmarket last night x)

  16. i was gonna say the yellow balls are hair rollers,
    but pretty much everyone else said that :P

  17. Oh they have those rollers at my Daiso! Let us know how you like em, I might have to go pick some up =)

  18. XD, yeah the yellow ball thingies are for curling your hair :D.
    I've seen ones that are shaped in a strawberry :)


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