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I just had to..

Some of you might know, some might not - but I'm not very committed to celebs. I do have certain people I am (literally) loyal for many years, but most celebs come and go.

My (constant) favorite super model has been Ana Beatriz Barros for quite a while, and I think some of you might have seen a post I recently wrote - which was me, drooling over her and trying to recreate her VS runway look.

Anywho, I am a sucker at twitter because I don't check it regularly and usually I miss the timing to reply or retweet some tweets I would have liked to if I had seen it earlier.
It was a couple of days ago, luckily enough I was on twitter when Ana Beatriz was tweeting. I asked her a question, not really expecting her to reply, and completely forgot about it.

But taadaa!!!!!!

hehe.. I was so surprised and it was really sweet of her to answer my (rather stupid) question XD
Now I love her even more!! I love how she isn't snooty like most celebs on twitter who think their fans are there to be ignored.

Like I said before, I genuinely wish the best of Ana-B, and hope that great things will happen to her for a very long time :)

If you don't know who she is here's a video from YT that's a tribute to her.

Hehe, oh - and I am quite ashamed of myself for only making two videos in December so far =/
My goal is 10 (total) by the end of the year. Wish me luck >.<)/

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  1. I like her too! I also like Alessandra Ambrosio and Jessica Stam, although Stam can be snooty at times, lol. That's so awesome of Ana to reply to you!<3

  2. I also love Brazilian models and my fave is Alessandra Ambrosio. I think Brazilian girls have a special kind of attraction.I'd love to see you doing more celeb-inspired makeup.


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